Why's my program slow?
Algorithmic Complexity and You
These slides are online at:
- I was in Computer Science at OSU for 5 years
- Many hats have included software developer (Intel and OSL)
Before upper-division CS classes, I thought there was some kind of secret
sauce and complexity was super scary
Afterwards it's clear how simple things are, so much that the core
concepts can fit into an hour at a conference
The difficulty is in the details, and this stuff is still indescribably
tough to implement at the compiler level, but understanding the high-level
view can help you ask smart questions and better understand real-world
Why this talk?
before I took algorithms classes at OSU, I thought complexity was secret
magic that only "real computer scientists" could understand... afterwards
it looked like common sense
not everybody in the real world gets the academic side; not everyone in
academia gets the real-world side; i'm here to teach you about both
- I hope you'll get 3 things today:
- Convinced that you can be a Real Computer Scientist too
- Tools for comparing algorithms
- A better set of basic questions to ask when analyzing program
In Theory
- Motivations for complexity analysis
- Meaning of the notation
- Techniques for analyzing complexity
- Examples
In Practice
- What problem are you solving?
- Alternate Tools
In Theory
- Coursera:
- Syllabi:
scope of this talk will be small though available knowledge is vast
jumping into the graduate level stuff here would be like a talk on getting
started with recreational hiking focusing on what to take for a month in
the Alps, rather than focusing on what to pack for a picnic in a nearby park
What's complexity?
Why do they have time for a sword fight while the compiler runs?
There are two factors: The compiler has to do many operations (this
scales with how big a program you compile) and each operation takes some
time (this is something which can be optimized in the compiler)
How Long it Takes
How long does your code take to run?
"About 2 minutes to compile"?
"About half an hour to run all the tests"?
NEXT: in terms of input size
In terms of input size
- Project Euler
- Solution fast on small input
- Very slow on large input
n is the size of the input.
N: /N/, quant.
- A large and indeterminate number of objects: “There were N bugs in that
crock!” Also used in its original sense of a variable name: “This
crock has N bugs, as N goes to infinity.”
Quantified in fancy notation
(time in loop) * (times the loop runs) + (time outside of loop)
Not like C the language; C like a constant amount of time
Sound smarter? And write less? Win-Win!
Graph of why it's "usually ok to omit the constant" (more on that later)
(Math Words)
For any monotonic functions f(n) and g(n) from the positive integers to the
positive integers, we say that f(n) = O(g(n)) when there exist constants c > 0
and n[0] > 0 such that:
f(n) ≤ c * g(n), for all n ≥ n[0]
P vs NP
How many of you really understood the P vs NP thing?
"NP problems are really 'hard', P problems are 'solvable'"
P is problems that can be SOLVED in polynomial time
NP is problems that can be VERIFIED in polynomial time
x^2 is polynomial; 2^x is exponential
Traveling salesman by brute force (shortest route between all cities) is
How do you find how many times it runs?
First find n
Simplify into psuedo-code till you just have loops
Examine them
(Basic test of fluency and understanding of your language of choice, like
There are also tools for this, which we'll get to later
Example: Linear Search
Disclaimer: If you use this implementation in an interview, you will not get
the job.
needle = '4'
haystack = [2, 8, 23, 5, 4, 7, 42]
idx = 0
while haystack[idx] < len(haystack):
if haystack[idx] == needle:
print "Found it at index " + str(idx)
idx += 1
Let's say we're looking for "needle" in "haystack"
Find n
needle = '4'
haystack = [2, 8, 23, 5, 4, 7, 42]
idx = 0
while haystack[idx] < len(haystack):
if haystack[idx] == needle:
print "Found it at index " + str(idx)
idx += 1
Count the Loops
n is len(haystack)
needle = '4'
haystack = [2, 8, 23, 5, 4, 7, 42]
idx = 0
while haystack[idx] < len(haystack):
if haystack[idx] == needle:
print "Found it at index " + str(idx)
idx += 1
There's the complexity!
- loop once over n items
- Contents is constant time
- Complexity is O(n)
Example: Finding Repeated Words
Same disclaimer as before.
words = ['linux', 'washington', 'linux', 'festival']
idx = 0
while idx < len(words):
check = 0
while check < len(words):
if idx != check and words[check] == words[idx]:
print "found a repeated word!"
First find n
words = ['linux', 'washington', 'linux', 'festival']
idx = 0
while idx < len(words):
check = 0
while check < len(words):
if idx != check and words[check] == words[idx]:
print "found a repeated word!"
Then count loops
n is len(words)
words = ['linux', 'washington', 'linux', 'festival']
idx = 0
while idx < len(words):
check = 0
while check < len(words):
if idx != check and words[check] == words[idx]:
print "found a repeated word!"
There's the complexity!
- Outer loop goes n times
- inner loop goes n times
- Inner loop runs every time the outer does
- Complexity is n*n, or n^2
Tangent: If that was an interview...
words = ['linux', 'washington', 'linux', 'festival']
idx = 0
while idx < len(words):
check = 0
while check < len(words):
if idx != check and words[check] == words[idx]:
print "found a repeated word!"
faster to sort the list (sorts can go very fast) then traverse once,
comparing each item to the previous
What's the Difference?
This graphs a bunch of complexities:
Exponential is red (constant raised to the n)
Quadratic is black
Linear is cyan
nlogn is green
logarithmic is blue
Without exponential
Quadratic is black
Linear is cyan
nlogn is green
logarithmic is blue
Now you Try It
def binary_search(l, value):
low = 0
high = len(l)-1
while low <= high:
mid = (low+high)//2
if l[mid] > value: high = mid-1
elif l[mid] < value: low = mid+1
else: return mid
return -1
First find n
def binary_search(l, value):
low = 0
high = len(l)-1
while low <= high:
mid = (low+high)//2
if l[mid] > value: high = mid-1
elif l[mid] < value: low = mid+1
else: return mid
return -1
Count the loops
def binary_search(l, value):
low = 0
high = len(l)-1
while low <= high:
mid = (low+high)//2
if l[mid] > value: high = mid-1
elif l[mid] < value: low = mid+1
else: return mid
return -1
There's the complexity
Binary search is log(n)
"In mathematics, the logarithm of a number is the exponent to which another
fixed value, the base, must be raised to produce that number."
Some Details
big-oh is UPPER BOUND
big-omega is LOWER BOUND -- the program can never run faster than this
Big theta (not all programs will have this) is when upper and lower bounds
Amortized Complexity
If a slow operation is done infrequently, we can spread its cost over all the
times it didn't happen...
How about recursive?
def binary_search(l, value, low = 0, high = -1):
if not l:
return -1
if(high == -1): high = len(l)-1
if low == high:
if l[low] == value: return low
return -1
mid = (low+high)//2
if l[mid] > value:
return binary_search(l, value, low, mid-1)
elif l[mid] < value:
return binary_search(l, value, mid+1, high)
else: return mid
Space Complexity
how much memory does it take?
In-place sorting vs sorting by copying the array
- What if your array is > 1/2 your disk?
- Constant is the size of an item being sorted
Graphs of space complexity and show how they look quite a bit like time
TODO: sorting algos, in-place vs otherwise. example of very large arrays
or very small memory, where this would actually matter
Reversing an Array
copy elements:
function reverse(a[0..n - 1])
allocate b[0..n - 1]
for i from 0 to n - 1
b[n − 1 − i] := a[i]
return b
vs in-place:
function reverse_in_place(a[0..n-1])
for i from 0 to floor((n-2)/2)
tmp := a[i]
a[i] := a[n − 1 − i]
a[n − 1 − i] := tmp
Feeling like a Real Computer Scientist yet?
That Constant
Constant times differ by several orders of magnitude.
- Processor memory vs L1 cache
- Cache vs RAM
- RAM vs hitting the disk
- Local disk vs across the datacenter
- Across the datacenter vs over wifi or a cell network
- Wifi or cell vs another continent
Grace Hopper and the Nanoseconds
metaphor: going to the fridge vs going to the store vs going to the moon
In The Real World
Approximately last 15mins?
same things apply to saving time in your algorithm
Good Code
- Correct
- Efficient
- Simple
- Readable
- Maintainable
from cracking the coding interview, p. 56
Is my program slow?
TODO: tools/frameworks for mocking heavy load on a program
Worst case vs expected case
Slow to perform vs slow to write
Is my program too slow?
Is speed the worst problem that it has right now?
What's the minimum that'll make your users happy?
What's the maximum past which your users won't notice improvements?
How long will it take the team to make the next big speedup...
- And would fixing any of the intermediat issues decrease that time
substantially? (ie refactor to remove old cruft)
Why is my program slow?
It's probably not how you structured your algorithm. Or you fix the obvious
algorithmic stupidity and it's still bad.
Remember the orders of magnitude thing?
- Profiling tools are your friends
- platform-agnostic -- how to get a graph of performance for various inputs
- language-specific profiling tools
- maybe it's slow in the real world because reality is different from your
test cases
- Hard to see where an algorithm spends its time
- Working from a wrong guess about where the bottleneck is will waste yours
"a slow program" could mean two things: code that's not performant, or
code that takes forever to acutally get written. sometimes one is worse
than the other.
Algorithmic complexity in real code
- "the pros" can look at a section of code and tell you its best, worst, and
average-case performance -- kind of like how we practiced earlier
- Recognizing patterns from having read a lot of other code
- If the patterns aren't clear to you, write out what your code is doing
-- psuedo-code -- simplify it till all you have are bits that'll take constant
time, and loops
Expected Use Case
- Exponential time with a tiny constant vs. logarithmic with huge constant
- Input size?
- Space constraints?
TODO: GRAPHS of high constant vs low constant, fast vs slow -- same graphs
as before -- AGAIN, this is why context is critical
Analysis Tools
TODO: sort them
* specific vs general
* automated vs manual
* language-specific vs platform-agnostic
Each language has its own
Python: Run Snake Run
C: GDB/gprof
Call Profilers
- Language or shell timing utilities
- Test on different sizes of input
- Write a test suite to catch preformance changes
When to test?
- Always! (Continuous Integration)
- Deeper analysis for debugging, refactors
- How hard is it to introduce a complexity change?
- Learned about complexity
- Simplify the code
- Count how often it'll run for a given size of input
- Toss out the constants
- Complexity isn't the entire picture
- That constant actually matters
- Premature optimization is bad for everyone
- Code that never gets finished was the slowest of all
- Tools are great, in their place
- Instrumentation hooks into your code
- Profilers watch where it spends its time
- Test suite can check how long it takes on every change to find
These slides are online at: