@qedunham | talks.edunham.net/linuxfestnorthwest2016/rust
Rust development started in earnest in 2010, and picked up speed till Rust 1.0 was released on May 15, 2015. Since then we've rolled a Rust Stable minor version every 6 weeks -- 1.6 just came out on January 21.
What's Rust?
Rust is a systems programming language
Oh, and that little guy is Ferris. He's a Rustacean.
Out of these requirements fall zero-cost abstraction, a type system that makes Haskellers happy, etc
There is much more than 40mins worth of things to say about how Rust works. Here are the main changes.
We could spend all day on language details, but basically it's set up to guarantee that no program written in safe Rust code can leak memory, suffer overflow errors, or hit a type error during execution.
This does mean that occasionally there'll be a valid program which the compiler does not accept. In this case, you can use Unsafe and maybe file a bug.
The cost of zero-cost abstraction is the learning curve.
fn annotated_input<'a>(x: &'a i32) {
println!("Annotated input result is {}", x)
fn elide_input(x: &i32) {
println!("Elided input is also {}", x)
fn main() {
let x = 3;
The most important thing to know about lifetimes on day 1 of Rust use is that the compiler is very smart and can often figure them out for you.
Variable bindings own their values. When the binding goes out of scope, the compiler knows it's ok to free the memory.
You'll soon learn that a reference can be mutable or shared, never both.
Doing lifetimes at compile time eliminates the need for GC. Compiler knows when to free memory.
The borrow checker is like a curmudgeonly mentor who enforces best practices.
Committing to stability
In the process of developing Rust, we’ve encountered a lot of dead ends, and so it’s been essential to have the freedom to change the language as needed.
But Rust has matured, and core aspects of the language have been steady for a long time. The design feels right. And there is a huge amount of pent up interest in Rust, waiting for 1.0 to ship so that there is a stable foundation to build on.
It’s important to be clear about what we mean by stable. We don’t mean that Rust will stop evolving. We will release new versions of Rust on a regular, frequent basis, and we hope that people will upgrade just as regularly. But for that to happen, those upgrades need to be painless.
To put it simply, our responsibility is to ensure that you never dread upgrading Rust. If your code compiles on Rust stable 1.0, it should compile with Rust stable 1.x with a minimum of hassle.
But building an amazing language isn't the only thing we're known for.
I've met them. It's true. They're kind of amazing. Actually very amazing.
But I lured all you amazing humans here with promises that I'd talk about...
Automation! I think of automation as offloading a human task onto a machine, in other words, teaching a system a habit.
The Rust community isn't free of problems, but there are some issues that I've seen show up pretty consistently in other places where I've been involved, which Rust seems to lack. I've had a unique opportunity to pick the brains of the core team members about how things got this way, and I'm here to share what I wish I'd known earlier.
I think these work so well because it's always been that way.
Do a root cause analysis on pretty much any conflict. If you keep asking "why", you will land on...
Disagreements in some other communities that I've been part of have been resolved by trial by verbal combat. This does not happen nearly as much in the Rust community, because we have...
Setting a CoC differentiates 2 kinds of people: Those who'll follow it and those who won't. "I'll just be nice" -> what about when your definition of "nice" violates CoC?
Laying these ground rules before they're needed homogenizes the community by excluding the people who are unwilling to change. This gives us a chance at resolving disputes civilly, and it usually works!
We plaster it everywhere -- discourse automatically shows it, it's all over github, Rust meetups flaunt it -- because keeping out the people who see trial by combat as the best solution makes the community a much more enjoyable place for the rest of us.
Who are we excluding?
We also have a presence on diverse platforms, but CoC is the unified "party line" across all of them.
This is also the first example of VIRALITY of good practices.
What's missing there? No mailing lists. We use Discourse forums instead of mailing lists because:
We also have a presence on diverse platforms, but CoC is the unified "party line" across all of them.
This is also the first example of VIRALITY of good practices.
So yeah, we choose platforms for their ease of censorship, and we demand that people conform to our rules everywhere! is that scary?
-- http://developers.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=8652809&cid=51352141
The Rust community gives me a particularly bad feeling. They're rather tyrannical about enforcing their code of conduct. They even have a moderation attack squad [rust-lang.org] to go after anyone they deem to be an enemy! I've never seen this kind of orchestrated control exerted over the community of any other programming language. This sets off warning alarms for me.
That's one of the indiduals whom we have intentionally excluded from participating in the Rust community. We think that this is okay.
This works for Rust because everyone in the current community either wanted the CoC or joined after it was enstated (thus is ok with it). I know somebody's going to ask me how you get a CoC in. That's a really huge, difficult problem that I'm not going to talk about here.
The moral of the story is to get everyone on the same page about the community's values ASAP, preferably before the project gets big.
Now we have people who agree on how they want to build code. what do they build?
In other communities, people guess. Then they put lots of time into something, and then the rest of the community doesn't want it, and then they're sad.
People get sad and angry when they put a bunch of their life into a new feature only to be told it's not what the project wants or needs.
Combine that with "pull requests welcome" as a synonym for "I don't want to explain all the things I dislike about that, but I don't think it's possible anyway, so please leave me alone", and you get people feeling rejected a lot.
One way to feel unappreciated is if you spent a bunch of time building the wrong code. Rust's solution is the RFC process.
You don't get as attached to a written proposal that's explicitly only a suggestion.
Another way that I've seen other communities be unappreciative is to take good contributions and contributors for granted.
And in a big, distributed community, it's easy to feel left out. There's no totally automatic fix, but a good newsletter really helps:
There're always these main sections, and sometimes also...
The This Week In Rust newsletter names the project's new contributors and often thanks a Friend Of The Tree
The Tree is important to us. Because the next huge problem that open source projects face is.... broken tree!
Why's it bad when the tree breaks?
Our friends of the tree are super important, because it hurts everyone when the tree gets broken.
The Not Rocket Science Rule of Software Engineering. It sounds obvious, but actually doing it can sound almost impossible.
This sounds simple, but it actually takes a huge amount of code review and diligence to adhere to.
That's why the AUTOMATICALLY.
But when you try to keep your build green all the time, what happens?
Typical code review pits person against person. This is problematic because forcing a nice person to say no to other nice people makes them feel kind of bad.
How does telling a really enthusiastic, passionate new contriutor that their code isn't good enough make you feel?
One easy tweak reduces this stress...
When you want code into the tree and something says no, there's still a conflict. Still an Us Vs Them. But we can change who's in the 'us' and who's in the 'them'.
So yeah, who's Us?
Who's this Bors guy? He sure seems to be doing a lot of work.
Yep, he's doing a lot of the work. Does that name ring a bell from somewhere?
I'm used to a paradigm where it's newbie vs maintainer
Bors changes the conversation. By personifying the testing system, we shift away from newbies maintainers... <slide>
if state==UNREVIEWED or DISCUSSING, look for r+ or r-:
if r+, set APPROVED
if r-, set DISAPPROVED
if state==APPROVED, merge pull.sha + master => test_ref:
if merge ok, set PENDING
if merge fail, set ERROR (pull req bitrotted)
if state==PENDING, look at buildbot for test results:
if failed, set FAILED
if passed, set TESTED
(if no test status, exit; waiting for results)
if state==TESTED, fast-forward master to test_ref
if ffwd works, close pull req
if ffwd fails, set ERROR (someone moved master on us)
The general cycle of bors' operation is as follows:
load all pull reqs load all statuses and comments sort them by the STATE_* values below
pick the ripest (latest-state) one and try to advance it, meaning:
- if state==UNREVIEWED or DISCUSSING, look for r+ or r-:
- if r+, set APPROVED if r-, set DISAPPROVED (if nothing is said, exit; nothing to do!)
- if state==APPROVED, merge pull.sha + master => test_ref:
- if merge ok, set PENDING if merge fail, set ERROR (pull req bitrotted)
- if state==PENDING, look at buildbot for test results:
- if failed, set FAILED if passed, set TESTED (if no test status, exit; waiting for results)
- if state==TESTED, fast-forward master to test_ref
- if ffwd works, close pull req if ffwd fails, set ERROR (someone moved master on us)
- Stateless
- Polls all PRs on cron job
- Keeps state
- Runs when triggered by GitHub hooks
- Supports rollup and try
- Account is named Bors
Hosted: homu.io
The Bors account is actually running on a Homu instance, and Homu's probably the guy you should be using if you're rolling this out.
Homu is an incremental improvement on Bors; carries state, allows try builds, listens for pushes from Git hooks rather than polling the repo
Starting at the bottom of the stack, we have a comprehensive test suite run by a Buildbot instance.
Buildbot allows us to run community builders for platforms that aren't officially supported. It helps turn "no" into "PRs welcome". Of course we have to be choosy about who if anyone we take snaps from, and communicate endorsement or lack thereof to the community.
And as you may have noticed, we have a lot of comunity buzz/hype/popularity at the moment. This means a lot of newbies. More on that later.
Next problem... things are awesome and we're building a cool product and now EVERYBODY wants to get involved!
Ok, there's really no such thing as too many contributors.
But in other communities, I've seen core contributors become more and more grumpy the more times they have to say the same thing over and over again to a stream of newcomers.
I've even experienced it myself, and realized it's called burnout.
But the Rust community has some automation to reduce the overhead that these new contributors place on core team folks.
See also https://github.com/facebook/mention-bot
Highfive is a bot who helps create a welcoming environment.
This shows off Highfive's 3 key features: Assigning reviewer, welcoming newbie, and providing useful information on appropriate repos.
"groups": {
"all": ["core"],
"compiler": ["@pnkfelix", "@nrc", "@Aatch", "@jroesch", "@arielb1"],
"syntax": ["@pnkfelix", "@nrc", "@sfackler"],
"libs": ["@aturon"]
"dirs": {
"doc": ["doc", "@manishearth"],
"liballoc": ["libs"],
"libarena": ["libs"],
"libbacktrace": [],
"libcollections": ["libs", "@Gankro"],
Rust's highfive knows there's separate teams for each repository, and knows what teams+individuals should be assigned to review changes in each directory of the tree.
Servo has a highfive too, which we've diverged from a bit, who handles things differently. This is another case of VIRALITY -- we actually inherited the highfive idea from servo
Problem: Newbies are lost and confused. They want to get involved but don't necessarily know how to start.
Martin Feckie wrote the first Starters; I use Servo's as an example because they've been rolling it out first
We have an awesome collection of community code.
Here's a place where the Not Rocket Science Rule kind of went viral.
We're applying it to testing the compiler itself.
It's all very well to make the code pass all its tests, but there's another definition of "broken" as well: A new stable release that regresses someone's code that worked on the old stable release.
brson is a wizard and y'all should ping him and ask him to come give a talk on it.