1) Title slide, "Spreading Rust". Contact info: E. Dunham, @qedunham, talks.edunham.net/rustfest2017. Picture of Ferris crab waving his claw in greeting. 2. Picture of the Rust logo cupcakes served at RustCamp in 2015. 3. Scenic cityscape of Kiev skyline with a historic church and flowering trees in the foreground. 4. Photo of an IBM 7090 computer room. Tape drives take up 2 walls and 4 men in suits watch a lady pointing at a panel of switches at a desk in the center. 5. The words "Make bigger, faster computers." 6. Photo of a circuit board densely populated with surface mount transistor packages. 7. Photos of 4 laptops: A very old-looking Osborne 1, an Apple Powerbook 100, a Thinkpad X61, and a Microsoft SurfaceBook. 8. Photo of a landfill scattered with garbage. Trees and blue sky in the background. 9. Animated GIF of a generic loading icon 10. Text. First line is struck out: "Make bigger, faster computers". Second line reads "Make computers do more." 11. Rust logo 12. Bar graph of Rust's unique contributors by email address, at the start of each labeled time. 19 in 2011, 51 in 2012, 151 in 2013,404 in 2014, 860 in 2015, 1459 in 2016, 1927 in 2017, 2072 yesterday. 13. Bar graph of total commits to Rust at the start of each labeled time. 1170 in 2011, 6982 in 2012, 14408 in 2013, 24994 in 2014, 36803 in 2015, 49107 in 2016, 60152 in 2017, 63606 yesterday. 14. Page is filled with logos of all companies listed on https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/friends.html 15. Ferris the crab with a big speech bubble. In the big speech bubble is another Ferris, with a small speech bubble. In the small speech bubble is the Rust logo. 16. Picture of the "microphone is muted" icon. 17. Text. Title: "Choosing Rust". Bulletd list: * LLVM support? * Rewrite, FFI, Bindgen, Corrode? * https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ffi.html * https://crates.io/crates/bindgen * https://github.com/jameysharp/corrode * Time? * Interest? 18. Picture of several firefighters putting out a house fire. The 3 on the left hold hoses and spray water into a burning garage. The two on the right wear air tanks and are preparing to enter the front door. 19. Screenshot of Google's definition of the word "Safety". Noun, "The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury" 20. Painting of explorers in old-fashioned (1600's?) clothes riding camels along a stormy coast. 21. Rendered image of the Mars Rover Curiosity on the Martian surface 22. Photo of smiling guys in hoodies working at computers at a hackerspace. 23. The words "Fail fast!" 24. A screenshot of the blue error message when Windows crashes: ":( Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you." 25. Photo of an owl giving the camera an annoyed look. 26. Chart with no labels, just an arrow going up and to the right 27. Left half of slide is a photo of a dog wearing headphones, glasses, and a fashionable hat. Right half of slide is a photo of a cat dressed in a shit-collar and necktie. 28. Text: "Safe code means you can take better risks" 29. Rust logo 30. Photo. Sihouette of a lone cowboy riding a horse toward a sunset. 31. Ferris the crab with a speech bubble saying "Thank you" in many languages 32. Title: "Need volunteers?". Text: List of links... http://yourfirstpr.github.io/ http://openhatch.org/ http://24pullrequests.com/ https://www.codemontage.com/ http://issuehub.io/ http://up-for-grabs.net 33. RustFest logo 34. Rust logo on an orange background. 35. Photo of a field with one large tree and many smaller trees. 36. Old fashioned woodcut of a hand holding a funnel. 37. Collage of several screenshots. Top half of slide shows links to Rust code of conduct on Reddit, Discourse, and IRC. Bottom half shows the beginning of the Rust Code of Conduct. 38. Icon of a spaceship, crossed out in red. Small text: The Not Rocket Science Rule of Software Engineering: Seehttp://graydon.livejournal.com/186550.html 39. Text. "Automatically maintain a repository of code that always passes all the tests." 40. crates.io logo. It shows several boxes with the Rust logo on them, stacked on a pallet. 41. Screenshot of crates.io main page, showing "popular keywords" and "popular categories" crate lists. 42. Screenshot of doc.crates.io/manifest.html. "Package Metadata" section showing that cargo.toml supports fields for license and license-file. 43. Screenshot of the map from community.rs/meetup-map. It shows that there are 89 meetups around the world -- most in North America and Europe, but some in South America, India, Asia, and Australia and New Zealand. 44. Screenshot of the pull requests list on the rust-lang/rfcs GitHub repo. 45. Screenshots of https://www.rust-lang.org/team.html put together to show that there are 9 teams with over 50 GitHub avatars. 46. Screenshot of the front page of community.rs 47. Pie chart showing Rust Contributors by Email Address. 39 use addresses @mozilla.com and 2033 use addresses not @mozilla.com. 48. Pie chart showing Rust commits by contributor email address. 9328 commits come from @mozilla.com addresses, and 54278 come from other addresses. 49. Rust logo. 50. Text: "Make your computer do all it can." 51. Text: "Share what you learn." 52. Text: "Build the CODE and COMMUNITY that you want to see in the world." talks.edunham.net/rustfest2017 @qedunham